Friday, September 10, 2010

My thoughts on blogs

What do you think about using blogs?

I think blogs are a great way to both communicate and connect with other individuals around the world through the internet. I think it is a great way of both expression and learning.

What and how do you think blogs would be useful for education?

I think blogs could be useful for educational purposes because you can view other people’s ideas and thoughts and easily comment and share your responses. It is a great way to learn and view other people’s thought processes.

Some people think using blogs in classrooms is a waste of students’ time. How would you respond?

I do not think that the use of blogs is a waste of time. I think that it is a great way of documenting students’ thoughts in an easily reachable and organized place.

What are some ways that you could use the technology ideas in Chapter 6 to support your curriculum and student learners?

I think I could use some of the technology ideas in chapter 6 to support my curriculum and student learners by always connecting the technology with the textbook. I believe technology is just another approach to innovative teaching. The use of technology in my classroom will be both useful and fun to keep my students interacted in learning.


  1. Shaunise,

    You did not really answer the last question.



    Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.
