Inspiration seems like a very interesting program because of the many ways you can make it fit into any classroom. I think that the different diagrams and charts available for selection allow this program to be highly flexible and diverse from other programs available. The cross-curricular templates really interest me because I would be able to not only use it for presentations, but also as a tool for organization. I could and would definitely use this program because it has many aspects that could used through any curriculum and it looks neat. It also seems very compatible with Microsoft Office and I love the fact that you can personalize the themes.
Some writing activities that would make the best use of technology in my classroom could be outlines or research papers especially using Inspiration. It is very true that writing is an activity that benefits from multiple revisions and high-quality feedback. Students could help each other during writing by using Inspiration because it keeps everything organized and easily accessible. The students could easily make changes, when necessary, and the students can see exactly where they need to correct errors or mistakes. I would use Inspiration to support peer feedback because it does keep the students’ work and feedback both in a neat and accessible place. I do believe that it is important to teach a topic or skill to truly understand how it works. Teaching someone something or showing someone something definitely helps you see things that you may not have noticed before. Knowing exactly how to show someone how something works also gives you a sense of confidence and knowledge.
Overall from reading the textbook, looking through the site, and learning about Inspiration, I do feel like I have a better sense of knowledge about how technology can tie into the curriculum in a helpful and beneficial way for the students. I do believe that peer teaching is a great and necessary method when teaching the curriculum because some students learn best from their peers. Only the students know what they struggle with when learning new topics, so by having another student teach them, they may be able to comprehend it quicker than a teacher lecturing able it. I also think the electronic graphic organizers, diagrams, and outlines are very beneficial for the students to help them become organized and neat.
Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.
Inspiration Software. (2010). Inspiration Videos and Webcasts for Using Visual Learning In Your Classroom.